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and I specialize in finding meaning in data and using it for good.

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Deploying ML Model for Diagnosing Pneumonia using Django

Deploying ML Model for Diagnosing Pneumonia using Django

April 5, 2021

#vuejs #vitejs #tailwind-css #vuex #vue-router #eslint

This is a beginner guide on how to set up a vue.js app running on Vite. I’ll also add and configure ESLint & Prettier for linting and code formatting, set up Tailwind CSS for styling, and finally configure VueX and Vue Router.

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Automating Surgical Evaluation using Deep Learning

Automating Surgical Evaluation using Deep Learning

January 3, 2021

#django #vuejs #axios

This post aims to show that you can start to use Vue with your Django projects immediately without any sophisticated setup that will take hours to complete.

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Airflow Data Pipeline for COVID-19 Pandemic

Airflow Data Pipeline for COVID-19 Pandemic

August 16, 2020

#python #django #elasticsearch #docker

In this article, I will be giving you brief information about Elasticsearch, its installation, and some examples of usage.

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Senior Design: NASA + FSI Rover Prototype

Senior Design: NASA + FSI Rover Prototype

April 8, 2020

#python #django #graphql #graphene

By reading this article, I would suppose that you know enough to decide whether you will use GraphQl in your next Django project or not.

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