Hi there!

👋🏼 I’m Gunnar, and I specialize in Data Science and Machine Learning

🤓 I recently graduated at the top of my class with a BS in Computer Science from Florida Polytechnic University

📊 I love diving deep into data, creating models, and solving challenging technical problems

🐍 Most of my experience revolves around data mining, data engineering, and machine learning in Python

🌞 I'm based in Florida, but relocating to NYC soon

☕️ I’m into coffee, spending time with friends, and learning 📚

What I Do Well

🚀 Code: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Tensorflow, R (including Tidyverse), SQL

🚀 Data: PostgreSQL, MySQL, S3, Airflow, Airbyte, ETL, Data Warehousing

🚀 ML: Regression, Decision Trees, Boosting (using XGBoost), MLP, CNN, LSTM, Transfer Learning

🚀 Environment: Git, pipenv, MacOS, VS Code, Oh My Zsh (on iTerm, of course)

🚀 Problem Solving: My experience is in research. I excel at challenging problems with no well-defined solution